How very odd indeed

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Location: In-between, Oregon, United States

I like to dabble, of course my dabbling also lends itself to bouts of procrastination...and quirky-oddness. So, what I guess I am saying is that I am a person of many interests, never happy with just one thing.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

My first

Am I supposed to say...dear diary...dear journal...dear log...okay dear blog....okay never mind. I guess I will figure it out as time goes by.

Not much excitement today in the land of mass confusion (I am referring to my home life, NOT some kind of social-political-economical comment).
Nope, nothing big going on...just an ordinary day. 
Started my day out listening to Alice Cooper and AC/DC and I just finished listening to Kate Bush and Tori Amos. I wonder what that says about me? Hmmm..probably nothing...oh well.
I listen to music while I am creating, I like to make graphics in Paint Shop Pro (PSP), it's really become my obsession, well hobby...nope obsession. I create sig tags for people to use. It's my way of expressing myself artistically. It's really been my only "outlet" for awhile. 

Here is something I made recently:

(Made this one while listening to Ani DiFranco)

I have been really bored..which is surprising with as much "work" there is around my home, but you know, it's the kind of work I really don't wanna do. I don't like cleaning, probably one of my biggest blahs, probably why I don't clean very often...but when I do get the cleaning bug, you'd better look out. At least my cleaning bouts don't last long and then it's back to life as usual. 

Here is another one I made:

(I've been on a red and black kick..can you tell? 
Made this one while listening to the SUCK soundtrack)

I started this blog thing to try something new. I am not real jazzed about all those social networking sites (no offense meant to the Tweaters (sounds perverted doesn't it? HA!) or to the MySpacers or the Facebookers) really I don't mean to be a pain or insult anyone or in any insinuate that social networking sites are scary at best (c'mon they are a stalker's dream) or cashing in on collecting and selling our personal information at worst.
Okay, so I am a bit paranoid and yes I am slightly cynical...okay more then slightly.
So..I thought blogging would be safer I guess somehow, and the upside is that I can type much faster then I can write thanks to all those typing lessons (Thanks Mrs. Kruppchek for my Freshmen year typing class).

So, here I it a whirl..seeing how this goes. If it goes anywhere I don't know. 
I usually start something and I am the kind of person that if it takes more then um, an hour to complete, I usually give up. I'm just rambling..Captain Obvious, that's me. 
Well, I'm done...will be back later I suppose, unless I forget, which is always a huge probability with me, I have a tendency to be consistently inconsistent. 

Ta-Ta for now and all that stuff.